Behavioral Health Home for Adults
The Behavioral Health Home (BHH) is a community based service that offers a team based approach to comprehensively address physical health and mental health needs for adults. This service is delivered by a team of qualified professionals that include: medical and psychiatric consultants, health home coordinators (case managers), clinicians, nurses, peer/family supports and frequent collaboration with the member’s primary care provider. The BHH provides a primary emphasis on preventative health and wellness, in addition to community partnering.
Members of our Behavioral Health Home (BHH) receive team based support to comprehensively address physical health and mental health issues. This service is delivered by a team of qualified professionals that include: medical and psychiatric consultation, health home coordinators, a clinical team leader, nursing, peer supports and frequent collaboration with the member’s primary care physician. The BHH provides a primary emphasis on preventative health and wellness, in addition to community partnering.
Ongoing monitoring and advocacy:
- Develops individual plans with the member and/or guardians
- Participates in ensuring the delivery of crisis intervention and resolution
- Assists with alternatives to hospitalization
- Coordinates services with physicians and other organizations
- Assures continuity of care by assessing for gaps in services and offering referrals and resources
- Organizes team meetings to review progress
Eligibility Criteria:
- Active MaineCare insurance coverage
- Private pay
- Age 18 or emancipated
- Documentation of a mental health diagnosis that is under one year old and is considered eligible under the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
We provide Adult Case Management services in Kennebec, Somerset, Lincoln, Knox, Waldo, Sagadahoc, Franklin, Oxford, Penobscot and Cumberland counties.